Thursday, October 14, 2010

BMB aka Space Kid - 'MacroKosmos'

"New experimental album of Beat-Maker-Beat aka Space Kid"



jcmynt said...

This joint is for selective ears. I was feeling the ambient spacey cosmo sounds but some tracks have too much going on. One thing about BMB, his beats always keeps that hard thump. Thought that "World is love" and "realizedream" were coo to bump...

Anonymous said...

The last BMB post sounded as if he was straying from his formula into more synthy, experimental beats...So now there's an actual experimental album? Sounds like BMB is being influenced by the masses...Too bad.

Anonymous said...

I cant download paypal says

"Currently PayPal accounts in Russia are only able to send payments. This recipient is not eligible to receive funds"

Can any one help?

Anonymous said...

Some good elements in these beats, but there is too much going on & too many weird noises that take away from the music.

I'm all for experimentation & progression, but in my opinion BMB has regressed dramatically since his earlier stuff.

Also, the off-beat drums are really hard to listen to. You can be original while still keeping time.

Just my 2 cents. Peace.

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