Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Freddy Finger - Luminous

<a href="http://freddyfinger.bandcamp.com/album/luminous">Luminous by Freddy Finger</a>

Direct Download Link Here!


Alex Dalton said...

Utterly amazing as always. No one makes better chill beats IMO.

Anonymous said...

Very. Very. Nice.. 16 track beat tape. Probably one of the smoothest producers I'm hearing to date constantly putting stuff out.

The drum kits, are perfect. Nothing to complain about- no horribly loud snares, no overpowering bases, no annoying cheap kicks. Just a perfect mixture of sounds.

Some melodies just repeat throughout a beat, but that gives it more of an eerie fill rather than a monotonous feel.

Maybe on one or two beats were the sounds a little weird but almost all these sounds are just perfect.

Maybe, not the most- sweetest, memorable melodies. But asking for a Nujabes, Shin-Ski smooth beast melody on every beat is unreasonable; especially when pretty much free, unless you pay something.

Least favorite track, probably wind by a leaf.. a little choppy and snares were a little over the top.

Best track, Bright and Early.. I just feel all the words to it that are not there. It represents more than just a happy or sad beat, to me; it's a mixture of both and sorta reflects on all my memories. This is what really makes instrumentals great, it's up to all of us for our interpretation of it. Freddy does a great job of leaving these open ended beats that let's you put the words to it in your mind. Universal sound. Only thing I sorta don't like about the track is the sample used around the end. Gives it a little dark feeling, but that's just personal taste.

Anyways, I talked about 4 paragraphs to much on this post. Lol, fuck. Great stuff by Freddy Finger, buy it- pay something if you have anything. It's well worth the peep, not a masterpiece but it's on the way to being there.


beat-ape1 said...

@anonymous, Great to see that you take the time to judge the tapes and give positive criticism (also in the other post), For me this freddy finger sounds a bit to much like soft porn music .ghe

Anonymous said...

these are very chill reminds me of freddie joachim. i am feelin them glad to listen.

Anonymous said...


No doubt, it's nice to see someone that notices it. Lmfao, I see where you can get that.. hahaha.

I just think it's important to give a full opinion, when I drop my beat tape I don't want people to be like, yeah thats dope.. and that's it. Gotta figure out a way to better yourself. Any opinion is better than no opinion.

Anonymous said...

...everything I've picked up by this dude has earned an instant classic rating in my stack of tunes.

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