Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hi​-​Hat Club Vol. 5 - Full Crate & FS Green

Check out this dope release by the hi-hat club, Volume 5 is called "Eggs And Pancakes" produced by Full Crate and FS Green.
If you want to preview this click on buy and it takes you to there "dont embed me on your page" bandcamp



Anonymous said...

this is great thanks for the heads up!

Anonymous said...

the boys from the netherlands go in you should also check out hayzee another dope producer

Alex Dalton said...

YO - do not download this unless you want a virus. I just dl'ed this and I got the Microsoft Security Essentials Trojan virus from it.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure there's no virus in it.. @Alex Dalton.. Are you sure you didn't get it from anywhere else? Media files like this aren't really infectable.

Anyways my review for this.

Off the bat.. Track 1- 'Pick A Star'- Dope. Dope. Dope. Gives it a very eerie feel, but perfect blend of instruments used.

Track 2- Bobby & Melinda - Sounds kind of weird at first, sorta gotta let it build on you because it takes a lil while to get going.. Honestly sounds more like an interlude.

Track 3 - Falling Flutes - Kinda cool loop, chill, layed back, smooth.

Track 4 - Crack - Kinda like the vibe for this one too.. Not a big fan of a electric bass tbh though.. Still sounds cool, but not one of my favorite tracks.

Track 5- Inspirations- Dope.. Maybe one of my favorite tracks off the tape.. Love the intro to it, you can tell from the first 5 seconds that beat is gonna sound awesome.

Track 6- 'To The Floor' - Decent, not much to say about this beat.. kinda plain but sounds like somethin to freestyle too.

Track 7- Troopercat- Reminds me of the Jay Dilla electro beat he made. Pretty cool in that sense, but pass on this one.

Track 8 - Monoshow - Dope. Like the whole jazz feel and mixes and little 'yeahs' put in there. Gives a nice full sound, some extra sounds could go but it was well put together.

Track 9 - Tycoon Thug - Decent, not much to say about this one.

Track 10 - Awesome - Pretty cool. Progressive. Electro.. swishy..

Track 11 - Fs Green - Another one of those really electro distro tracks.. Maybe it's an acquired taste that i'm not really getting yet.

Track 12 - Eggs & Pancakes - With a title like that, The beat has to be fuckin amazing. And it is, Dope Smooth, chill, layed back, progressive. Deep sounds.. gives an almost reminiscing feel for me. One of my favorites as well.

Track 13- Thursday - Verrrryy good samples used on this one. Sounds very smooth as well.. Perfect full sound mix. Really diggin this one.

Track 14- Never Never - I've heard this sample used a lot.. So i'm sort of comparing this one to all the other ones ive heard.. And um.. you did a decent job.. The hook could use work but the beat sounds well when it kicks off. I'd rather end it with track 13 but this was still dope.

Overall,.. wooh. Good beat tape, worth the buy if you want to cop it. Keep making dope beats man.

4.3/5 Pro production with a few ok beats here and there.

Nujabes said...

No virus here...just dope beats.

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