Saturday, October 16, 2010

Letherette - Letherette EP

Letherette consists of two dudes from Wolverhampton, UK whose sound have been compared to MF Doom, Pete Rock and Madlib. I've also read the word "Dilla-esqe" on a few places.

All that may be a bit much, but you try to describe a track like In July Focus without going to one of them.

check it out

Until the digital version comes out, you can get the limited run vinyl at Boomkat, Soul Jazz, and Juno, amoung other stores based in the UK. Plan for shipping accordingly.

The EP happened to come out as I was making my own best of:

Fancy Vinyl has some stuff from the EP, tracks floating around online as well as some remixes by the duo.

get that here

I should note tracks 8 & 15 have vocals. If you really only want the beats, you can get the version without those tracks here.

For more, check out their mixes for BTS Radio and Percussion Lab

And of course there's always the myspace page.


Eric Spivak said...

Wasn't really digging anything too much til I found "Say Yeah" which im writing to now and planning on recording over.

Blank & Kytt said...

Tut. Vinyl rip of the EP here.

Also, I sent you a huge .zip of RARE tracks, like 20+

You never posted them. What's up with that?

Blank And Kytt said...


You actually did use my collection, through some additional tracks in there, and called it your own.

Thanks for the credit.

Anonymous said...

I also sent a rar zip folder. What's up with that?


i dunno said...

@ Blank:

Link in the post is from my copy of the vinyl. I like my rip's sound better, but yours is in 320...

And look, I'm not one to take credit from others. I just wanna know how you sent me these RARE tracks when I never put my e-mail out. I don't see and click every cbox link, so it's very possible I missed it.

BUT WAIT, your zip file is 20 +! This comp is 20 total. Other than Ting Tang and an untitled track from the myspace, you may have something I don't. If so post the zip here to claim your credit.

Just please believe me when I say that found and compiled these tracks without the aid of your zip file. Take it from someone who knows a thing or two about others taking your copy of downloaded mp3s and running with it.

Eric Spivak said...

Damn, IDunno we need to see you speak your mind more, that post is hilarious~

and @letherette / blank.

You may have sent it to me (espiv) but I like to listen to everything completely twice, before posting it..If it's wack, I don't waste my time posting it, or if I get busy, I may not have 'time' to post it. So if you did send something to me, sorry for not seeing it. My inbox is swamped like the everglades almost at all times.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Guys

Anonymous said...

anyone got the track "master chin"? I only found it in the BTS Radio mix...

Gysko said...

I just found your blog by accident! Awesome, awesome!
Tanks for the Letherette material! ;)

Anonymous said...

first track on the Letherette EP fuckin dope

Anonymous said...

wow, awsome blog! i really enjoy your stuff at work...
unfortunatly the "letherette best of" file is down. would be great if you could re-up that! :) or just tell me where i can find it elsewhere. heres my adress:

Anonymous said...

ATTENTION! Letherette will release their third EP Featurette on Ninja Tune, 19 November 2012 get a FREE MP3 of "Warstones" here

BleeHLH said...

Any way you can re-up those links for the compilations?

Anonymous said...

Please man, you gotta give the world this awesome music!, re-Upload request here !

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