Monday, October 11, 2010

Sinitus Tempo - Born Legends EP & Foreign, Nights Sweet, Dreams



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Off the bat.. To say up front, i'm a big fan of foreign beats. Always gives somethin different other than the generic soul beats.. First tape, track 2 (tango of death).. starts off the vibe pretty cool. Not really somethin to rhyme too, and the sample is kind of repetitive even though it changes but it's smooth. Good mixing on this one and drums are coo.

Track 3 & 4 were.. Meh.. for the most part. The jazz beat was coo but the sample really didn't sink in well, you could hear the underlying lows cutting too much through the beat. This is a theme for a lot of the beats following up, 5 has the same issue, the underlying lows kinda cut through the beat.. but it sounds cool for the most part.

My favorite track is the Last Samurai.. Somethin about it, is so.. happy-sad. It kinda sums up the tape nicely into one song. The trumpet sample in the back could be erased imo. Doesn't really fit the tone a little bit.. Reminds me of an Aurian Dance from Nujabes but kinda numbed down a bit.

Sinutus Tempo Foreign Beats..
gets a 3.6/5 Solid.


Sintus Tempo- Sweet Dreams.
Ok... I sorta see where you were goin for this track, but the sample.. of the singing.. sounds.. bad. Just.. sounds weird. Didn't mesh in with the beat at all. I know you probably don't hear it but it's more of just detaching yourself from your own beats. Sometimes you hear what you want to hear, instead of what is actually playing. Any producer can take this advice and put it to his own music.

Track 2.. redeems the tape though, a more different vibe.. I could sorta see it on a sound track for a anime or something.

I like the track 5 dreams a lot.. but it needs some mastering with the lows.. They're a bit overpowering.. but that's something I could even do.. very simple.

Was diggin' the sample of fishermen for the most part.. and LiLi's was very memerezing as well with that sample. Vocals could have some more effects in my opinion, but it was good.

My favorite track off the tape is probably dreams after a little fine tuning..

This tape has some sweet parts, but a few sour ones as well..

2.9/5 . Good, but could use some work.

Enjoyed listening to both tapes though bro, keep up the work and improving your music.

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