Thursday, February 03, 2011

Dibiase - Sound Palace

Download url removed by author's request


Anonymous said...

It's a Vynil

Unknown said...

please remove the link for download. we tried to priced it low and even offer free shipping. the reason why artist cant afford to carry physical product is because folks like you under cut them by giving it away for free.

Eric Spivak said...

Will be deleted within the next 24hrs, truly sorry...Tracking and killing links to newly released material that's taken countless hours of work is a hard task, and hurts the artist, especially when they don't have a Major backing them. I apologize on behalf of the contributor who posted it.


Eric Spivak said...

And for anyone who's downloaded this thus far. Please support Dibiase and buy it from him personally at:

This isn't a freesample, and shouldn't of been posted. He works extremely hard, isn't 'living the dream' of madlib/alchemist etc...He really not only needs your support, but deserves it. I've met him multiple times and he deserves to be compensated for his drive, dedication, and time in making projects like this for you to enjoy...

Unknown said...

Thank you Espiv. We really appreciate the kind words. You are exactly right. We are a two person operation.

Imagine us [DIBIA$E and I] sitting at our kitchen table burning each CD, printing and assembling each cover and packing each CD to be shipped.

We have put a lot of love and time into this project and we really do appreciate your support. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that Nassirah has to find every f** blogs who's posting stooppids links (not even their own...just a copy/paste)

The sad thing is she has to comment to ask to take links down........any contributor who knows his topic ("Beats" right?), or passion? should never post this....but i guess it's just the excitment of posting something super cool exclusive

So many blogs thinks they're promoting music by posting a cover and a DL link but even my lil cuz can do this.....

Once you give the link, its fucked up & thats all.....I never posted leaks, even when i copped Teebs CDR i didnt posted it. I did it last week when he decided to.

Bloggers are artists. NOT

Anonymous said...

espiv did great at not getting upset at nassirah for the rude "because folks like you" accusation... spiv even apologized for something he claims he didnt do... we need more people like this the world would be so much better

q said...


Can you tell me how much you payed to clear that "I'm Every Woman" by Whitney Houston sample that dibiase used in this tape.

I realy like to use it in one of my beats but i dont want to steal/download it.

I want to know if i can afford paying for the sample clearance?

Please let me know


Anonymous said...

^^^this guy

beat-ape1 said...

ha ha ha

He could loose the sarcasm but i can only agree with the point my ape brother is making

Anonymous said...


the sample is actually from chaka khan. nice try. what an idiot. smh

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