Monday, November 14, 2011

Duke Westlake - Memory Palace

Introducing Duke Westlake, one of the three members in the production supercrew (E.Super) - of Hellfyre Club Records) releases a new project (Memory Palace) a really refreshing EP from this Los Angeles based producer. This is a great example of quality control. From start to finish these soundwaves will crash and collide into a beautiful meeting of the minds. Check it out, leave your thoughts in the comment box, and look out for more from this guy soon. 
-Spiv of GorillaMic


Anonymous said...

Nice try to be like Billboard the Producer. Just google "billboard the producer beat battle" on youtube.

Nice try trying to get his sound. Your versions got everything but being great.

Anonymous said...

haters gonna hate. still sounds good.

Anonymous said...

I just googled your mom pussy!!! Haters need to get a fucken hobbie. Yo! Duke keep bringing that heat.

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