Sunday, February 12, 2012

Strictlybeats mix 12

Check out this month's installment of the SBmix.You know the deal just music that i come across during the month. Got a couple dope tracks in there! A dope intro from ahnu, a crazy dark banger from Oh Maik, lil ugly mane with a track called "end ya whole shit" youtube that one, weird video!

mp3 download
older shows


the nothing said...

this ones a real gem, nice work!

EKO is commin thru said...

for real this shit hits home runnin...

Shane Keaney said...

2nd killer SB mix in a row! Nice one Guys.

EricSepulveda said...

haven't been on the internet in at least a year. sick to see you're making these mixes every once in a while. i really appreciate it because I'm a workaholic and don't have the time anymore to sort through all the post and see what the sound is like.

if i may, i would like to request that you don't make the mix one entire track. if the tracks were split up and had the artist name and all of that, then i could see who I'm listening to and pursue to listen to more of their music from there. you know? just an idea.

thanks for the dope mix.

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