Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pelican City - "The Chilling Effect"

1 Over From the Start (Intro/Outro)
2 The City
3 The Bleeding Fader
4 Still Alone
5 The Search
6 The Fool (Neutral Milk Hotel)
7 Danger's Theme Part I
8 Danger's Theme Part II
9 Calling the Birds
10 The Chase
11 Come On Air (Wunderkind)
12 The Bedroom
13 The Rainstorm
14 The End of Life
15 An Exodus

get it

More dope stuff from Pelican City. I personally like the other one a little better, but this is still worth listening to on a consistent basis. (I know I put in both cds and hit shuffle when it's raining out) I also got a request. I need some Jedi Mind Tricks instrumentals. Yeah, I need them. One more time for emphasis - NEED EM! :)
If someone wants to help me out, it'd be greatly greatly appreciated. Enjoy the Pelican City...I do.

1 comment:

nawledge said...

Andrew, I got MASS Stoupe Instro's Son... ALL JMT, Rip The Jacker, some other Lovely's too. I'll up that ASAP Podna. Peace...

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