Wednesday, June 20, 2007

(Re:Up) Pelican City - Rhode Island

Dope Dope Dope! stuff from Pelican City AKA Danger Mouse
it's one of his earliest works, and it's named after my home state (represent!)
Why the title, I have no idea - some of the sounds remind me of places I know of, but...that's a stretch at the most. Anyway, this is real good stuff no matter where you're from. I highly suggest picking this one up.

1. The Icefields (A Pelican City Experiment)
2. Sesame Street
3. The Northside
4. Chestnut Park
5. The Bordello
6. Jake's Tavern
7. The Beach
8. The Movie Theater
9. El Dorado Diner
10. The Pier

get it


3rdEyeRevolution said...

aaahh! i found it two years ago at a store in Thessaloniki/Greece (where i'm from) and i didn't buy it because i didn't know what was it.. now i can find it only @ amazon very expensive :(
PS: This CD is just GREAT

yusuf said...

i'm not sure if i'm worthy enough of joining the contributor's crew, but i'll keep dropping beats via comment posting. i just hope most of you guys are checking here, once in a while...

a must have for your collections...

Cinematic Orchestra - Remixes 98-00

Cinematic Orchestra - Motion

Cinematic Orchestra - Man With A Movie Camera

Cinematic Orchestra - Horizon

Cinematic Orchestra - Every Day

yusuf said...

a live band covering endtroducing by dj shadow live in denver june for samples..,

extracted from joost over @ solesides.


The Shadow Sessions; Rehearsal Tapes

We're getting closer and closer to June 30. This is the date that The Shadow Sessions will perform their live version of DJ Shadow's Endtroducing. We have got a hold of the rehearsal tapes and it's a pleasure to share it with y'all.


yusuf said...

i don't know why the links are not showing properly...go check'em over at - peace.

Anonymous said...

yusuf - you can drop them in the chat box as well, and you can always ask to be a contributor - we're more then happy to get a new member on the team

kartman19 said...

Does anybody know where I can buy the rhode island album (CD format only plz) AT A REASONABLE PRICE??thanx in advance, peace from Greece

Tired-N-Broke said...

ahhh I was lucky enuff to get this joint on cd and wax!!!

DreamTime said...

any chance for a reup?

thanx for everything you posting!

DJ RootBwoy said...

PLEASE...upload it again because the link is dead, and this is very rare stuff which i haven't found anywhere else. I love Danger Mouse

jeffro said...

could you please upload this again. I am a huge danger mouse fan and I just figured out that he was responsible for PC. Please re-up again?

Anonymous said...

Not to echo the other comments too much, but I've been looking for this album FOREVER!!! could you re-up or send me a personal link to grab it or just send it to me?? I would be insanely grateful. Thanks!

Pelican Cases said...

All I gotta say is Grrrreat playlist! Just the other day I saw the movie Nick & Nora's infinite playlist and it was exhilarating.. I myself really know music I can say quite well, and whenever I make my music mix CD I try to put effort into making the playlist in the right order because to me the order is of what song goes in what place is really crucial.. Some small amount of people may not agree with me but many do agree and for those who don't believe just try and see how well it comes out when you try to make it in a 'correct' order :) Enjoy! But just want to leave off at saying you have a great playlist!

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