WHOA now, so I know this completely breaks the "Rules" of the Blog, but this is something that EVERYBODY needs to hear... I remember a While ago there was a little discussion in the Box about MF Grimm, alot of people hadn't heard too much from him and weren't too familiar with his story, WELL, hearing this Freestyle might help you realize how Truly ILL the man was as a Lyricist. This was recorded before he was Shot, Paralyzed, and Imprisoned, and if you're familiar with Grimm, you will be able to tell the difference, his Pre-Shot stuff was Pure, Smooth & Raw. I mean listen to it, fuckin Kool G Rap backs down like 2/3 of the way through so Grimm can keep rippin it. Who knows where Grimm would have ended up if he hadn't have gotten Blasted. ANYWAY, I got this over at Stretch Armstrong's Blog - http://konstantkontakt.blogspot.com/ - which you may want to check out for Exclusive Gems, this is from the 5 Year Anniversary Show, but I chopped it so it's only the Rhyming, you may want to check the Blog for the rest of the show, it's funny, they get Mad Fools callin in to give Props, and Stretch/Bobb/& Kool G all Diss on pretty much everybody that calls in... Anyway, PEACE.
Grimm & Kool G Rap - Stretch & Bobb. '95
Fuck rules man, that's crazy. lol thanks for sharing it
There's also a new comic book graphic novel featuring MF Grimm from DC Comics' Vertigo imprint. Info and interview of MF Grimm here:
Love the Strictly Beats blog! Keep keepin' on..
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