Monday, April 14, 2008

40winks' SoundClick & Two Mixes

Hopefully everybody got the post I did the other day. If so, you're probably pretty close to completing your Dday One and 40winks discographies. That being said, I wanted to make sure that I had all of 40winks' stuff so I started digging around on their website, and I found a considerable amount of material. I found snippets for each album, remixes, and oh my God, their SoundClick. For those of you who don't know, SoundClick is a website designed to give up-and-coming musicians a place to store, share, and build with other artists. So 40winks' SoundClick essentially has all of their old material (stuff like remixes they did for contests, their first two albums "Hit the Hay" and "April to July", random remixes like their remix of Nas's "Blaze a 50", titled "Blazed By 40", and a bunch of other random goodies.) SoundClick's file naming process is pretty fucked up though, so I took the liberty of retitling everything and whatnot, and separated everything into separate folders. In total, this adds up to about 3 hours and 20 minutes of new 40winks material. And I'm not even done.

SoundClick Madness

In my search for new 40winks material, I found two mixes they did for two different radio shows. The mixes add up to roughly 3 hours of 40 winks, making it a grand total of 6 hours and 20 minutes of new 40winks shit. You're welcome.

Two 40winks Mixes


the fourth samba said...

Bless! You cats have me bugged on this 40 Winks ish.


Mike D. said...

can you rehost them please> im hooked on 40 winks and I need some more!

Eric Nord said...

are the links down already?

aidan said...


cole.burns said...

oh man can anyone reup this please

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