I feel like a lot of my posts piggyback Nawledge's previous posts (or they used to due to my recent constant insistence that everything has been posted) but as long as I'm dropping (new) fire I guess it doesn't matter. I should probably explain myself because I feel kind of bad. I've been posting less and my usual post every 2-3 days is kind of being dumped onto everyone else, possibly making them feel like they need to post to fill empty space. At least that's how I know it's time to post, when no one has posted for awhile. But anyways, my first year of college is coming to a close so I'm trying to keep my grades up. That and a lot of working out in preparation for summer and beaches. But yeah, so I'm listening to a lot of Slum Village and Royce Okay, so I was thinking that I wanted to do a post because I've got a bunch of new stuff that I want you guys to hear (which is rare). I feel like a lot of my posts piggyback on Nawledge'sDa 5'9" these days, less downtempo. I'm really influenced by what Dilla did for Slum, and so I really don't listen to much else these days. And Royce is well, a beast (Royce
zipping Mistah F.A.B. in a body bag). And I'm anticipating
The Bar Exam 2 and hyping it up. But Nawl, indirectly, is getting me into a lot of his music. 40winks,
Damu the Fudgemunk (someone posted this in the C-Box, but Nawl blogged it), and now Dday One and some
MySpace producers. For instance, Nawl posted some
40winks awhile back and
Dday One which is basically what inspired this post. After seeing Nawl hype 40winks I listened to some stuff but never really got into them until now (which is a shame because
this Belgian production duo is amazing). This was the first 40winks I got, and I dunno where I got it, but it's called "Extended Pleasure". This is a 12" but it's really fuckin' dope. I'm surprised to find that it wasn't posted on this site, but anyways, enjoy this little gem. It's probably my favorite 12" next to Analyze 12". But moving on, "Melancholia" will blow your mind.

A1 Intro
A2 Producers Beware
A3 The Nightowl's Theme
A4 City Dweller Pt. 2
B1 Melancholia
B2 Wishing Upon a Beat
B3 Melancholia - Outro
I got this 12" probably right around the same time all the C-Box hype was going on for 40winks and kind of neglected this 12". I liked it but didn't give it credit. Now I pump it all the time. It was after hearing "Change the Channel" by Padmo' that I knew that I had to find more 40winks and so I did some research. I found the "M.anifest EP", did some more searching, and found a mix they did for some show. The mix is called "Laid Back" and it's pretty tight. Here's the
tracklist. You can download it
I wanted to tie up the loose ends to my 40winks collection so I did some Google searching and found 3 full length releases, "More Than Loops", "Sound Puzzle", and "The Lucid Effect". I'll have that stuff in a month or two because I have no money. But I'm going to Hong Kong on an internship so I'm going to be digging so I'm going to rain instrumental hip hop on you guys when I get back. But anyways, in my effort to complete my 40winks collection I got this album they did a song for. The album is called "The Heart on the Right Spot" and features a lot of good producers like Mr. Cooper (who Nawl
covered), Glen Porter (who Nawl
covered...), Pablie (who Nawl
covered......), Dday One (whose newest album Nawl posted this morning.........), and a lot of other dope artists (who Nawl probably covered). There are some vocals here but I think you'll live. Tracklist

After I got home this morning I downloaded Dday One's "Heavy Migration" and was amazed. I started digging around for more and I actually found a large amount of material. The first thing I found was his first album, "Loop Extensions". I haven't listened to it yet, but after "Heavy Migration" I'm sure it's of high quality. It has received considerable praise from numerous websites so it should be good.

1. If Eyes Were Ears
2. Dust Ritual
3. Distant Memory
4. Unstable Material 2 (featuring Awol One, Existereo, Metfly, and Subtitle)
5. Mixing Paint
6. Second Set
7. Seeds of Revolution
8. Nigerian Soil
9. MC's on Strike
10. Originality
11. Sea Change
12. Distant Memory (2Tall Remix)
In my search for "Loop Extensions", I stumbled across 3 mixes by Dday, and 1 by 2Tall, 2 of them mixing Dday's material. The first megamix was intended to hype "Loose Extensions" and was mixed by 2Tall. If the album is supposed to be dope, then I think the same should be true for the megamix. It's only 10 minutes, but I'll take whatever Dday I can get.
Get it.
Props to Anon for this next mix. He hooked it up in the C-Box. Alright, now I'm really excited about this next mix for two reasons. First of all, it's an hour of Dday chopping. Second, it's from a really sick website. The website is called Mondayjazz. The concept is that because Monday's are always shitty, Mondayjazz posts a jazz mix to better them. There are mixes from Dday One, Jon Kennedy, and Joe Beats, to
name a few. This weeks' was Dday's, and was called "Monday Sermon", and I have to say that this is really impressive. It's a creative concept for a website as well. And we could all use more jazz in our collection, so drop by the site and
have a look around.

Now this next mix is from
hiphopcore.net. It's called "Blend Meditation", and like "Monday Sermon", "Blend Meditation" is about an hour-long mix. It's got some really good stuff on there like Das EFX and Del. Anyways, this isn't as conceptual as "Monday Sermon" but it's a pretty consistent list of music with a loose theme. Click the album artwork for the tracklist and mix.

Okay, whew, two more mixes to go. I'm not sure if this mix was done live (the name of the mix is misleading. It's called "Back to the Stage Set".) or what but I really like it. It's a 24 minute mix and has a very dark theme. But does anyone know the name of the instrumental at 19:49? I know I have it in my collection but I forget the name of it. The first cut sends chills down my spine. I found one other mix of Dday's on the
Samplist website, plus four remixes Dday did. Here's the link to that
stuff. But anyways, this post has taken me roughly 3 hours to collect, upload, and write, so I hope you enjoyed the music and my rambling. Drop a comment or two, tell me what you think of the music. One.
quality stuff man, whats the Hong Kong internship for?
I know many people who *wish* they were going to Hong Kong. Thank you for showcasing some producers for us.
Ernst & Young. It's an accounting firm. I dunno how I got it... I'm going to be digging like crazy though.
i think you're missing rhythm incursions podcast. http://www.rhythm-incursions.com/downloads/Rhythm_incursions_-_Dday_One_Special.mp3
you guys seriously need to post joe beats new podcast from munkyking.com
its all heavy beats by him only.
insane! peace
Yo this sis some madness! 40winks on repeat. Dag! And Dday One is fire!!!
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