1. Camel (Nosaj Thing Remix) - Flying Lotus
2. Beauty (I titled it that, it's from his Untitled 2009 Beat Tape...) - Teebs
3. Aquarium - Nosaj Thing
4. Sunset Drive - Husky Rescue
5. Live In Knoxville - Pretty Lights
6. Beyond Right Now (Pretty Lights Remix) - Pretty Lights
7. Headroom - Nava
8. I'm Here You're There (Mexicans With Guns Remix) - Ernest Gonzales
9. In & Out Of Weeks - A.M. Architect
10. Coastal Brake (Manual Remix) - Tycho
11. Paper Dolls - Maker
12. Sunup - Thomas Piper
13. Time In Motion - Blazo
14. IProfess - Delay The Daylight
Alright, next up we got some Heat from the Y-Society, which consists of producer, Damu The Fudgemunk & Lyricist, Insight. This is Damu's Instro's for their debut album. If you're familiar with his work, then you know what to expect: classic golden-age boom bap head noddin' gem type stuff. Really good work on here and Damu is one of the few producer's that still holds my attention with that classic sound. Not to say that I'm over it at all, I still love puttin on Stunt's/B's & Hip Hop every now and again, but these days I just want to be listening to what's in the mix above... But, I know that a lot of you will enjoy this album, as I did, check it out.

Y-Society - Travel At Your Own Pace Instrumentals
[link removed at label's request -djesp]
Next, I'm gonna get up as many requests that I can remember seeing in the Box over the last little while. I'm sure there are more, please request again if I miss ya, but these stood out in my mind & so here they are for you now.

TwoFresh - The Baker's Dozen

Alex B - Beat Tape Volume One
Alex B - Brainfood ** One Single Track Continuous Mix **
And I was adding the DJ Frane - Beats To Blaze To Vol.1-3 collections, but the links were down. Sorry, I'll try & get those up sometime in the future...
On a final note, I have a few vid's here I tossed up after the Decibel Festival in Seattle this past September. I was going to post them later with interviews, but I've got some new ideas pertaining to that, & now they can be posted here. Please check them out, especially this Tycho joint up first, it was an epic show. And as always, ENJOY!
As usual your Book of Nawledge series represents the cream of the crop. in your debt...
i love you nawledge.
You mentioned DJ Frane
Beats to Blaze To Vol. 1
Beats to Blaze to Vol. 2
Beats to Blaze to Vol. 3
Anyone can find this....no need to post link
thank you very much for the two fresh and alex b. posts. really good dudes making great music. word up and one love.---- willB89 ----
ha i think its funny you posted the y society joint given damu's anti jacking stance and the fact that k-murdock is a contributor here. funny funny funny
seriously, it'd be respectful to take the insights and damus project(ysociety)LINK down and also apologize to them for the mistake.
fuck that shit! Damu is all for the free music movement!!! Get outta here BITCH!!
not cool, take it down.
The moment Damu, Insight, Tres Records, or shit, even if K-Murdock were to ask to have the album taken down, we'd listen and take it down. Any time an artist has asked us to take their stuff down, we listen & remove the links asap.
What I do know is that Damu IS a fan of the free music movement. I'm pretty sure that every single release of his up until the Y-Society album was put out for free. AND, I've seen this album up on a TON of other blog's. If you read back in the archives you'll read a post from me about not wanting to link up FULL album's anymore. But after seeing how many other blog's have this album up, and knowing Damu's prior stance of releasing his work for free, I went ahead with the post.
We still haven't received anything from anybody about pulling this link down, or removing it from the post. If you are an artist, and want ANYTHING removed, please feel free to let us know, & we will oblige any request.
But, don't just post "Anonymously" saying you are Damu, I'm not going to believe that. If you want something taken down, please contact us appropriately. I hope I'm not upsetting anybody here, once again, we're not trying to hurt anybody by doing this. We're promoting the music we love, in hopes that by spreading the word on otherwise little known or unheard artists that maybe we will help generate a new fan base, that may have only been generated by this blog.
I have been told many times from various people, that they had discovered some artists PURELY from this blog:
"If it weren't for Strictly Beats, I never would have discovered Egadz!"
"I found Tycho through another blog, but I found out about Nosaj Thing from Strictly Beats, thank you..."
"I've heard of Pretty Lights, but not Tycho, I'm excited to check it out..."
Anyway, that's all I'm trying to do... Maybe some people found out about Y-Society thru that post, and now they're interested & listening, and will maybe PURCHASE something in the future, or go to a live-show. That's what I hope for. Anyway, Thank You all for the comments, I appreciate it, & please contact us with any requests for anything. PEACE!
- brettedmunds@hotmail.com
- djespionage@hotmail.com
I wouldn't give a fuck if the nigga did say take it down, ain't none of these dudes moving units and probably won't anytime soon because the game is not designed for them to succeed......so you might as well stop being a bitch and let us rape your beats....for free?....FOR FREE!!!!!!
it's not the artists responsibility to make sure you don't steal our music and give it away, and it's ironic that you went from A to Z on your stance regarding all this just because all the other blogs are doing it..
rationalize it if you want, but it doesn't change what you are doing.
everything was given away before, the newer stuff is different and that should be obvious by the price tag on it.
just because everyone else is doing it, is a terrible and particularly low reason to do it your self.
i won't ask again. i don't need to prove myself. it's up to you to ask before doing something that might be wrong.
i think it's wack that you think the artist should have to waste their time in order to stop you from stealing and then giving away their music by contacting you.
that's ridiculous and pompous.
and to make matters worse, your spitting in the face of k-murdock who has decided to contribute to this blogspot. the only way i can understand you continuing what your doing is by being in denial and thinking that just because the artists don't waste their time to hold your hand doesn't mean we don't think you are both an idiot and an asshole.
you can't have integrity and eat it too.
Hey everyone this is Damu and I think my music should be available to all! This guy on here protesting is WACK!!
thanks for removing the link, and for all the assholes out there with no respect, enjoy your day.
Good sound here !!!
Also try Pat Metheny Travels album, good trip ....
All the best ...
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