Picked this up while diggin' at Play De Record last weekend! Most of these Instrumentals were only available on the Show Vinyl pressed up by ATCQ themselves so I'm not sure whose behind releasing these? If I had to guess I would say these were all taken off the Show Vinyl from their first 4 albums and repressed up on Vinyl & CD! All good tho, it beats paying a few bills at least for one of the actual Test Pressings if your lucky to ever come across one. I've saw The Low End Theory Show Vinyl on Ebay but only Side C & D and it went for a few hundred. Sometime later I saw Aaron from The Tune Up who had the Beats Rhymes & Life Show Vinyl that was given to a friend of his from Ali Shaheed Muhammad. That didn't even last a day on Ebay so I assume he received an offer he couldn't refuse for it. Let's hope there will be a Vol 3 as I still need the Buggin' Out, 8 Million Stories & Keep It Rollin' Instrumentals...
Click The Picture...
Thanks for this!!
Thank you so much man!!!!
thank you so much! PS: Can you possible post a high-res scan of the label on the cover? Im a cover-flow whore on my iPod! Thanks!
Or for a better tagged rip with the cover included:
Hopefully There Will Be Vol.3 Cause I Need Motivators, Crew, Some More Midnight Marauders Instrumentals, Some More The Low End Theory Instrumentals.
I really want "8 Million Stories" Instrumental as well, especially after I heard it in the opening of "Beats Rhymes & Life: The Travels of a Tribe Called Quest", it's one of my favorites.
Yo props for this. Am searching for 8 million stories instrumental, would really appreciate if you can hook it up for me. Peace. Keep doing what you doing
Stumbled upon this by accident. Hope y'all have a great day. And keep listening to awesome music.
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