Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aether - Remembering June

<a href="">Remembering June by Aether</a>

If you like what you hear make sure to check out Aether's first full length release Artifacts.

<a href="">Forgive Me by Aether</a>


Anonymous said...

I am pretty excited about this upload. Here's why....

Aehter's Artifacts (which you also post here) is hip-hop/electronica fusion that works better than 90% of the same ol' same ol' you guys post on this blog. It blows the boring down-tempo mellow jazzy stuff you guys constantly post, out of the water. Not that that stuff doesn't have its place, but Aether is just much more original and creative.

Anonymous said...

This is real, fresh and tangible...It's what's missing in music today...Rain or shine is the head of Voltron!

Anonymous said...


phono said...

Hey 4:16PM, all that stuff is your OPINION. So, next time, why don't you just say you like the album, without ripping the site. Sorry, you struck a nerve with me. For some reason, I hate when people describe certain music as boring. It's like people who like actions movies because of big special effects, versus people who appreciate a well written story. It's all just opinion I guess.

While I dug "Artifacts" enough to rip it to my HD, when my friend let me borrow it a couple years back, it didn't strike me as being all that original. I hear quite a few influences here. RJD2 and Prefuse73, to name a couple..along with a hint of pop on a few tracks. Again, hardly what I'd call original. But DOPE DOPE DOPE album. I'd recommend it to anyone. Buy it, you cheap fucks. Or rip your friend's copy. ;)

The new stuff seems to be moving away from the big beat hiphop sound, and more to electronica. I kinda dig it.

Alex Dalton said...

phono wrote: Hey 4:16PM, all that stuff is your OPINION.

Alex: Really man? I thought it was a timeless mathematical truth plucked straight from the Platonic realm....

Thx dude. I mean - thanks for making sure everyone understands that I'm posting my opinions of the music in the com-box here. I know usually everyone only posts comments here that are based on double-blind controlled studies conducted in laboratories and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. I don't want anyone to get confused....

And about boredom. All music - even the music we love - inherently and essentially tends towards boredom for everyone - some just faster than others. That's why you're on this site dl'ing new stuff every 2-3 days, dawg.

Know about it!

Amo ( said...

this artifacts album is fantastic dude, don't usualy buy digital downloads, but this time I just have to... would you mind posting aether's myspace or any contatct info so I can get in touch with him pleaase?

peace! keep posting those dope albums..

Anonymous said...

this dude is incredible, love every joint on artifact. lotta philosophical talk here about music and degree of boredom haha, good shit to read keep it up

comprar tablet pc said...

Goodness, there is a great deal of effective data in this post!

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