Sunday, August 22, 2010

Goyang - Restoration

You can get more of Goyang @

sidenote: The cbox will be back shortly.


Anonymous said...

Right to the point. Tracks 10 thru 20 are pure fire!!! This cat Goyang is not playing. Make no mistake about, this joint is INCREDIBLE. Wow!!!

Release theme title - to - tracks, this guy put a lot of emotion into this one. Just listen to the sounds of the french horn in track #12 or the relaxed mood shifter of track #14, it is almost if you can feel the inspiration that he must have felt creating this release.

Some producers make statements by putting out tracks that move the crowd (some refer to these as club bangers), then there are cats like this guy "GOYANG" who has the gift of gab to do all of the above, and at the same time, convincingly inspire the current generation and the next wave of future producers.

This producer understands the words... "I AM WHAT I AM." And that he is. Sincerely INCREDIBLE!!!


Eric Spivak said...

"I made these beats after coming up from a deep
and dark depression where suicide seemed like the only solution. I suffered for several months where each day of life felt like an eternity of mental anguish to the point of a complete breakdown. I didn't think there was an escape and medications did little to nothing. I continued to trust God and his Word only by his strength and miraculously one day-- how God parted the red sea for Moses and the Children of Israel-- I remember all the hellish anguish coming to a halt and I KNOW IT WAS GOD DELIVERING me from this great oppression.

Jesus Christ saves, delivers, heals, and restores. God still performs miracles today, just believe in Christ and his finished work of the cross and he will save you. He is THE ONLY WAY and is coming back soon. All these beats are inspired by him.

These tracks sound best with decent headphones because of some of the effects used. A bit of Old-school Flavor and New School Flavor any true Hip Hop fan will appreciate. Elements of some Jazz and Soul samples with varied drum sequences for some real ear candy. Enjoy."

Anonymous said...

i wonder if these guys just big up themselves all day anonymously. cause really its not that crazy. mediocre beats sounding like what they sounded like 20 years ago. wamp wamp. show me sum new shit. not newbies.

Anonymous said...

INCREDIBLE says... WOW. When I wrote my comment, I had no idea those words Espiv posted were at the Goyang bandcamp page. After reading Espiv's post, I was confused and was wondering if Espiv and Goyang were the same person. So when I went to Goyang's bandcamp page to get the 411, that is when I saw those words.

You can feel purpose!!! My hat off to this guy, the universe need him.

Eric Spivak said...

Naw, I doubt anonymous at the top is Goyang. . . but dude definitely is pretty over-the-top in his response for this posting.

Anonymous said...

yeh son be over the top with the incredible talk but son be accurate though son know that quality sound

Anonymous said...

If y'all can vibe to it. Possible hit and miss, check em for yourselves.

Anonymous said...

@Gloam, some heat on the Freeverse. Thanks.

johns said...

Absolute class !!!

Goyang said...

Thanks Espiv and SB again for the post

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention. Good to see that folks can find my work among the ocean of talented cats out there right now.



Kavster said...

I'm liking this one....


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