If been slow in posting new music the last couple of weeks, theres not much tapes out there that catch my ear. So here is a screenshot of the beatt-ape 2008 folder, Before joining Strictly Beats me and my ape brothers 2-3 and 4 posted all the music we got on a myspace page for 2 years. Click on the picture for a high res version and see if there is anything you like me to upload.....
asp is there. nice!
put whatever you think is the best from there i wanna hear some new stuff,im more into boom bap so if you have anything similar thats good(no electric shit)thanks.
hey...how about that paoil sonoro beat tape?
Hi-Res sittin up in my room EP.
What do you have as far as 00 genesis, my comp crashed and I lost all the good ol 2008 shit.
RAS G! figured my request would get lost in the comment box. Once again, major props.
@ akabrownsugar, you know it!
@ beat dude
Paiol Sonoro - passeio Sonoro
"theres not much tapes out there that catch my ear"..
..what about the only color that matter is green instrumental album?
big props for your blog!
@ gloam
Hi-res-Sitti'n Up In My Room
FS Green- State beat tape !!!
Really appreciate it man, haven't been able to find his tape for longest....
Definitely Stevo "Between earth and universe" and Hi-res "Sittin up in my room"
Do you stil have the password for that old mediafire account?
Damn.!! It's amazing how many of those tapes I have. '08 was a good fucking year.!!!
Yo ..PLease Up DaveNotti Beats for Sale vol1 ..Thank u
Let's have those 2 Incise beat tapes.
Much obliged.
FS Green - State Beat Tape
Stevo - Beatween Earth & Universe
That Hi-res is already posted,, look up ^^
@ape4 check your mail!
Hello beat-ape1,
I've found your blog lookin for his-panik instrumentals..
Is it possible re-add all the molemen instrumentals volumes?
the whole thing! lol.
Thank you Beat-ape, you're the man!
@ aljazz
DaveNotti - Beats for Sale vol1
incise - old beat incisions vol 1&2
Let's get that J-Slikk please!
Thank YOU beat-ape1! props
kenlo is all over the place, google
Powel beats - Sex Tape
@luigi bo
J-Slikk Separation Anxiety Beattape
If possible could you post up both the 9 planets joints please?
@ the 5th ultra
9 planets 2 tapes
Thanks dude i appreciate it....
Thank you for doing this. You've posted some of the best stuff I've heard in a while. Could you put up one last album that you think is quality?
Thanks a lot!
pssh..i got more than this Eric, you must be slackin'..
@beat ape 1
Hey, I was wondering how I could be a part of the admin group on this blog. I love music and I'd be a great asset
I just gotta say this.
This is the best blog I've came into,enjoying every aspect of it! :D
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