yep. The Indigo Pyramid's long awaited album is finally arrived.
Indigo Pyramid is an international band of beatmakers:
Infinite Potentials, Billion Dollar Quartet, Shlohmo, 0., Elan,10thLetter and Nigel One
A must dl
No Emcees. Just Instrumentals.
what's funny is that joke of a track you posted apparently took an 'international band' of SEVEN people to make. sounds like all the other synthy, slightly off-kilter garbage out there.
happy friday everyone :)
i agree with jason, there is no need for all the extra people/equiptment, this could have been easily done in garage band by a 5th grader. this is wack, this is the wrong direction.
you all bave been posting some seriously wack music since the beat apes joined, that was the point that this blog turned to shit.
if u download u'll see that each track is done by a diff individual not 7 on each track. And if u really think "this could have been easily done in garage band by a 5th grader" id love to see u try! This comment really shows just how little u mast know about music production. The whole 'beat tape' is extremely varied and in my opinion very creative and genre pushing. The whole free/off beat vibe i think is very intentional and is getting that kinda swing is far from easy i assure u. Maybe check out the whole thing before being so negative and critical..
: )
jason i bet u like looped over played out stuff an thats cool i like old stuff 2 but u obviously aint gona evolve 2 this kinda style cus ur not on a level the depths of production are much deeper than ur conventional played out hiphop,, but apart from that everybodys allowed there opinion but boi i can just guess strait off my head the boring crap u must listen 2 feeling like u know wots good in the music world lol,, these vibrations are 2 advanced for u 2 advanced u cant understand because u havent evolved its cool we'll wait for u on the other side arms open ready 2 embrace u brother... an if any1 reads this thinking are he must be part of the crew ur wrong im just an outsider who loves real innovative soulful music that really makes me think an learn just thru sound...
wop wop
:) this is great! i thought i was just commenting on a bad trend in instrumental/beat music & instead am jumped on by a pair of illiterate anonymous posters, very obviously still in high school (these "rants" are long text messages!).
this is far too amusing to prolong, but just know i've been listening to this type of music a long time, have had multiple radio shows, done my share of research and know what i like, what i don't, and what played out, garbage trends there are out there. indigo pyramid is one of those forgettable, garbage trends. sorry.
enjoy the "evolved," "deep" "vibrations" bro, try picking up a dictionary here & there and remember to put the weed down once awhile you dunce.
Well i do appreciate and enjoy the music, and the fact that it's free, but....
why the fuck do some of these producers encode their music in shitty bitrates? You take the time, effort, and love to craft the music and you serve it up in terrible quality (128, 160)
Note to all the dudes putting out music on the web: please stop encoding your shit in multiple bitrates and in anything less than 192. It ain't 1998 anymore, we'll take the few extra megabytes for decent sounding ish.
End rant.
Thanks for the free music.
Thinking outside of the box, indigo pyramid sets a standard when it comes to electronic Hip-Hop. This album lays out a plethora of sounds ranging from the wonky cool crisp bass synth lines eerily corrugated in a non sealant but sophisticated manner. This offbeat set of tracks epitomizes a risky, faint, electronic sound front that could only be found ludicrous without the correct set of ear drums. Loved this album.
it seems like you have to work to like this crap, i don't feel like working on it, it is simply crappy music, simple. I am not going to train my eardrum otherwise. this music is simple and contains NO production, let alone good production. i think the whole "off beat vibe" was not an intentional thing, it was because this beat tape is so bad that it don't even keep a beat.
thanks for the LOVE..... and the HATE!!!! B$Q, indigo P family...... also, much respect to the beat-apes.
F****** love IP. Listen to it for what it is instead of comparing it to the sh*t you make or the sh*t you like. some creative different sound is what we need and they do it very very well.
hello there, I really like this blog because is a slightly atypical blog, since most of them are about nature workshops, and also I enjoy to read something about it.
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