"Raw Stiles explores the art of sampling with soulful, easy-listening instrumentals. "

"Raw Material Vol. 1 is the first in a series of jazz-funk fusion compilations, featuring some of Raw Stiles' favorite discoveries from the crates. Lifted fresh off everything from dusty 45's to unknown white-label private pressings"
Big ups to the 305!
That Raw Stiles "Hello Lovely EP" is the type of shit that takes strictlybeats to the top of the muthafuken blog chain!
First time i've heard 10 solid tracks, and felt more than satisfied.
Dope stuff.
Best blog site around
The Raw Stiles shit is some of the best that SB has featured in a while.
I am so going to rape his interlude from the top album...
Damn, had to put this album on loop for a couple hours. I must have synaethesia, i'm seeing these sounds!
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