This fall is looking to be a big season for debut albums, and if there's any scene with a wealth of up-and-coming producers hungry to release their first record, it's the LA beat scene. Even though tunesmith Dibiase has been at the music-making game for over half a decade now, his debut LP, Machines Hate Me, is just now set to see the light of day. "Lumberjack" is the first track to make it off that record, and exhibits the producer working overtime on his herky-jerky, MPC-based beats rife with crackling, melodic sample work. Catch 14 other of Dibiase's rhythmic concoctions when Alpha Pup drops Machines on September 14.
I feel what you saying beat-ape1....8bit beats for the most part are coo but it's time to lay that ish to rest.Maybe 2 or 3 joints but i cant take a whole 40-50 min album of it.Especially when you know dibiase got much more style he could showcase.
agreed. to add (w/ diabase in particular), there's a 'first draft' quality i get from his tracks, that unlike some good improv/live-played beats, come off a bit too undeveloped for my taste. there's also a healthy dose of ADHD added for good measure.
INCREDIBLE says: If it Bangs, it Bangs. This thing right here BANGS!!! Past favorites should not muffle the hearing cycle. This is clearly a BANGER. Forget "personal" growth expectations, listen to this one again.
If some one heard Dibiase or this for the first time, they are going to critique this on the present and how it sounds at the moment instead of comparing it to past stuff. If that were the case, it would be hard to be unbiased.
Im must say that this album is a disappointment for me , I heard this album earlier this week. to much NES 8 bit sounds...
I feel what you saying beat-ape1....8bit beats for the most part are coo but it's time to lay that ish to rest.Maybe 2 or 3 joints but i cant take a whole 40-50 min album of it.Especially when you know dibiase got much more style he could showcase.
agreed. to add (w/ diabase in particular), there's a 'first draft' quality i get from his tracks, that unlike some good improv/live-played beats, come off a bit too undeveloped for my taste. there's also a healthy dose of ADHD added for good measure.
kinda makes you appreciate silence :)
I thought that shit was doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
more i listen to it the more i feel like quietly masturbating to it
INCREDIBLE says: If it Bangs, it Bangs. This thing right here BANGS!!! Past favorites should not muffle the hearing cycle. This is clearly a BANGER. Forget "personal" growth expectations, listen to this one again.
If some one heard Dibiase or this for the first time, they are going to critique this on the present and how it sounds at the moment instead of comparing it to past stuff. If that were the case, it would be hard to be unbiased.
dibiase machines hate me will be wack ask him and he will tell you the same thing
well im pretty stoked for the album myself. when im in the mood for nes slappers, dibiase/samiyam get the job done.
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