Strictly Tees Blog
Strictly Tees Myspace
I've been doing Screen-Printing for a LONG Time, and have usually done Custom Work for Friends... Finally I decided to break out on my own and get some Shit going. So, the Blog has alot of Designs that are currently available for Purchase. I'm not necessarily tryin to make a Business out of it, just wanting to get some Fresh Designs out to Heads, and possibly Profit from it a little too of course. So stop by over there, and see if there is something you like. You might say the name isn't too original, but I like it, it was the first thing that came to mind. Plus, I'm using just "Strictly" for short as the Main Name on the Shirts. That way if I expand into other territories, it can apply to those, ie: Strictly Hoodies/Strictly Bandanas/etc... Here are some Design Examples:

WORD. That should give you an idea... Please stop by and hit me up at:, or on that Myspace. I'll definately work with you on Pricing, Especially those of you I know from this Blog and Others... Just Show me some Love for showing Y'all so much Love with these Beats. Help a Brother Out... Alright, with that being said, let's get on to this HUGE Post:
I remember a few people asking about: Flying Lotus - Galapagos4 & Yppah. So here's that:
Flying Lotus Discography: (All of these Links are From, so go over there and show him some Love)


Reset EP
Couldn't Find any Covers For The Rest:
Raw Cartoons
July Heat
Demo 2006
Alright, up next we got some Galapagos4... I'm really surprised I haven't upped this Meaty Ogre Disc yet. I've been blowin it because it's a HOT Disc. I looped it for a while when I first got it. I Highly Recommend it, he's one Damn Fine Producer. The Laced Instrumentals I'm only Re-Upping because they go with this Post. The "Best Of" is a whole bunch of Random Beats from the rest of the G4 Crew... All really good stuff, one of the most Underrated Crews out there in my opinion. And straight out of Chicago No less. Alright...

Meaty Ogre - Leo Vs. Pisces

Galapagos4 - Laced Instrumentals
Galapagos4 - Best Of Instrumentals
And now some Yppah... I can't remember where I got this, but it's DOPE, and I remember somebody asking about it a WHILE ago. I've been Re-Informed that he is actually from Houston, TX. Thanks Boogie & [on Hiatus]. Kind of a High-Paced Electronic Feel, but it's Real Nice...

Yppah - You Are Beautiful At All Times
This is also something I've been meaning to Up for a while now... Alias & Ehren - Lillian. Now, I know that alot of you will say, "Oh, FUCK That Anticon Nerd Rap Noise". I hope not, let's keep it Diverse People... This is EASILY Alias's Best Release. He combined Efforts with his Brother Ehren, who plays a Variety of Traditional Instruments. Those Instruments combined with Alias's Trademark sound create a Musical Landscape that is Very Pleasing... I recommend this if you want to hear something different. It won't disappoint.

Alias & Ehren - Lillian
FINALLY... Coming to a close of this Behemoth Post. Last I'm going to drop a whole bunch of shit from Zagar... Bossplayer turned me on to all these Dudes, and they are NICE. Here's the description from Discogs: "The story of the band started at the begin of the year 2001, when the three members of Yonderboi Quintet (Zságer, Kovács, Solymosi (aka DJ Bootsie) after the Shallow and Profound Tour started rehearsing separately from the Quintet. First they were performing as Pulzus. The material they have put together durring the rehearsals and the earlier solo works of Balázs Zságer were synthesized and have created the characteristic sounds of the new band."
This is some HOT Shit right here people... These are all Compilations that I have made from the Full Albums, cut out the Lyric/Bad Tracks, and these are Just the Pure Goods. I recommend ALL of it.

Yonderboi - Greatest Hits Pt.1
Yonderboi - Greatest Hits Pt.2

DJ Bootsie - The Silent Partner

Zagar - Greatest Hits
Alright... Well that does it. I hope I don't Kill anybody's Hard-Drives. I got some More ILL Shit to post soon, but I'm gonna Break for awhile. See how the Strictly Tees Response goes. Plus, I'm Copy & Pasted The Fuck Out... But, Enjoy This Shit People! I recommend every Post in here. And stop by My Blog, show me some Love, or spread the word. I would appreciate it VERY MUCH. Thanks Again. PEACE...
I dig that fresh juice one.
Good luck with the new venture.
Very nice selection Merci
Damnit, that is a beautiful post. Thanks a lot, Nawl.
great post.
oh and my boy yppah is from houston,tx. nice to see him gettin' some love on here. check him out here: for new songs and remixes.
[on hiatus]
thx for the alias... anybody have the album "muted"? please please upload and share! im desperate and just cant find it anywhere :-( !
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