Okay, now we don't normally don't do things like this...but someone mentioned this guy in the c-box, and he's all kinds of dope.
He goes by the name of "Cloud", and his beats are absolutely crazy. I sent him a message over myspace, asking if he'd be willing to share some stuff with everyone:
" i appreciate the love but you know it is.... i'm tryin to get legit with this thing and you can't be too careful in the game these days. i'm extremely hesitant to have any hard copies of my beats out there, you understand. but if you'd wanna give me a shout on your blog, i'd do something similar on my myspace blog. i'm also going to be setting up a soundclick or rocbattle account very soon.... something where people can listen to several beats in one spot without being able to download them. if someone wants their hands on a beat they have to talk business, word? so i'd give you the code to one of those streaming media players when that comes to fruition, that would be the other option. if you're still interested lemme know. and thanks again. stay up, 1 . -cloud"
However slightly unfortunate that news may be, y'all need to check him out regardless. He's nice with it, (my personal favorite being "the wait") and we'll keep you posted if he gets a Soundclick or something up and runnin'.
Check Cloud out on myspace now!
ps. Dope myspace producers are few and far inbetween, so the comments about how your man needs one of these spotlight posts isn't necessary..thanks. if you'd like to comment about how dope Cloud is, then go ahead.
I REALLY want more of this guys stuff. Shit...
this cat is dope. there are alot of dope myspace producers though. i thought there wasn't but if you look, man, there is quite a few.
yeah there might be but we dont need 1000 messages from people saying "check me/my man ___ out!"
because that's whats gonna happen.
yeah you're right. that is really true. anyway, this cat is fresh. don't blink is such a nasty beat. Good looks.
wow. this guy, cloud is really good... im feelin those beats he made too. thanks for sharing
looks like he's a real crate digger. what's that he's got in his hand??? (sarcasm)
maybe it's just me, but that link to cloud's myspace didn't work. does anyone have the exact address for his myspace?
lmfao @ cbloom. Yeah, I wonder what brand of computer he chops his beats on...
But on the real, the supposed link to dude's myspace redirected me to some celeb gossip page - I mean, as interesting as Paris Hilton's opinion of Kim Kardashian's ass may be, I'm here for the beats Wotey. I'm interested in hearing what dude is doing, but I'm not gonna spend all day googling "cloud" and "myspace" and digging through fourteen year old girls' profiles, y'know?... like "Interests: Clouds, Unicorns, Hip Hop..." Etc. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
ok irritating - I found Cloud's myspace but I can't post the whole link for some reason so here...
Connect the dots to make a picture.
OK for those of you having trouble getting to my page:
myspace dot com slash cloudproductions
you know what to do.
and to people sayin things about the picture..... if I had shown a record I actually use, y'all would bite that shit!! so I just chose somethin I thought would look good. also, I switched to an MPC after the picture was taken, peep the videos....
(Dj) Instantaneous [ Afrofuturism Foundation ]
Music: Beats... Instrumentals...
another dope myspace producer:
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