** I've noticed a lot of semi-negative discussion going on in the C-Box lately, regarding Contributor's/Posts. I think all this shit needs to stop. Who cares about what people decide to post, who cares about Beat-Tapes, who cares about the occasional Non-Instrumental album, who cares about Hype for other sites. Every post brings new & different flavor to the Blog, and I always enjoy checking out what the other contributor's are into. Sometimes the Beats will work for you, sometimes they won't. But it is pointless to just talk shit and be purely negative about a post. I'm all for discussion, I think we need more of it, but hating on someone for going out of their way to spend time & work on a post for the site, is just plain pointless. And doesn't really get us too excited about continuing to post here... We're all doing it for the love of the music, not for the love of the people downloading it. We just hope you'll enjoy some of shit that we enjoy, maybe you do and maybe you don't. Let's just listen and discuss, instead of straight out shit-talking on the work that we're puttin in. I don't know, that's how I feel. Sorry about the rant, I just feel this spot could be more positive. Onto the Beats, I've tried to make this post mainly shit that you can't find elsewhere (besides the stolen links of course, haha) and I tried to have something for everybody. I hope that you'll enjoy some of them: **
First off, I've been sleeping HEAVILY on this post, I've been adding to it periodically over the last 2 months. But I think I got everything in here that I want to get to you. Let me just say that 90% of these albums were pulled from other various Blogs, the bulk of this post is work put in by others. Most of these are links stolen from Acapella Archives, all thanks going to Zakeus for them. Everybody should go over there and say Thanks to Zak, he continues to drop lots of obscure instrumental shit, and alot of the following albums were some of my favorites found on Acapella Archives...
Alright. First, I'm gonna spread a little hype on a DJ/Producer holdin it down up in Vancouver BC, "The Phonograff". I got a disc of his from a friend and it had a whole bunch of bangin production on it, so I kept up with him, and for the last little while he's been doing a whole bunch of DOPE collaborations with this insane Violinist "Kytami". Together they form the team, "Dream Sequence", and this track below is a good taste of their sound. Check it out, it's a CRAZY dope jam... Also, the video afterwards is a good display of how they both get down, opening for Lady Sovereign at The Commdore in Vancouver. Definitely check that.
Phonograff & Kytami - "Dream Sequence"

And here we got some MORE goods from Chris Stolz AKA Tired Eyes. Like I said a while back, he did a whole bunch of really good production for a Ski Film that came out last year entitled "Idea". So, first off I got the soundtrack for that movie, it has a couple tracks with vocals, but they won't disappoint. After that, I got pretty much the rest of my Tired Eyes collection in the "Full Collection", 28 Bangin Beats that you do not want to pass up. If you felt any of his other stuff, get both of these because it's pretty much the bulk of his music. And it is all REALLY, Really good. Alright...
** NEW, WORKING RAPIDSHARE LINKS ** Let me know if y'all still have problems...
** Links Removed At Artist' Request **

Next up we got the Instrumentals from Reanimator & Prolyphic's album "The Ugly Truth". If you heard the album, or if you picked up Reanimator's previous instrumental release, then you'll know how dope these tracks are gonna be. The advantage about getting these Instrumentals is that it includes the track "Salt" which was not on the Vocal Edition. It was only available on the 12" Single for the album, and is EASILY the hottest beat on this album. Definitely one of my favorite beats that I've heard in the last little while, and I still have it on Heavy repeat. DO NOT pass it up, it's the track below, so you all should get it playing right now while you go through the rest of the post. Do It...
Reanimator - "Salt"
Reanimator - "The Ugly Truth Instrumentals"
Reanimator - "The Ugly Truth Instrumentals" << Rapidshare

Next up, we have a new EP from the Hungarian Producer Phox. This was dropped in the C-Box by somebody who has consistently dropped dope, mainly Hungarian Links. So Thanks alot to whoever... This EP is HOT though, 3 tracks that are all really dope. If you liked any of his past work, pick this up because he is learning to fine-tune his skill, you can tell with these tracks. I'm feeling "The Joker Inside Me" the most, really good for a late-night drive.
Phox - "The Trilogy EP"

Some more BSBD shit here. The 2nd Installment to their "Gifts In Jail" Podcast series. Not too much to say here, it's just some really good laid-back type shit. Good for driving on a road trip. The Gifts In Jail Vol.1 was chopped up, this is just 1 Long Continuous Track, thought y'all might want to know ahead of time. It's dope as 1 track, I left it that way because it flows real well as one long jam, or you can chop it up if you want. Check it out...
Blue Sky Black Death - "Gifts In Jail Vol.2"

And here we have the new Instrumental release from Alias, which is really good by the way... The usual Alias sound, a little less glitchy and more melodic than his previous releases, I would compare this to "Lillian" the most, it's definitely good stuff. And then below there is an EP of tracks that didn't make it to the full "Resurgam" album. I'm not sure why, because I actually prefer some of the tracks on the EP over some on the main album... Anyway, both are good.
Alias - "Resurgam"
Alias - "Resurgam Residual EP"

Next up we got some new shit from Mr. Cooper. This disc is on a super dark/ambient vibe, really different than his first release. Definitely something to pop in and listen to front 2 back when it gets late. It flows really well from beginning to end, and the whole album works as one piece. The album has a really good vibe for this dark & grey time of year. I recommend it...
Mr. Cooper - "What Else There Is"
Think I found this over at Bossplayer's blog. It's a good disc, comparable to Nomak for sure. It's on that Japanese Orchestra type sound, similar to Nujabes a bit, but a lot more like Nomak. I wouldn't really consider the album "Hip Hop" but all the jams are pretty dope. Each track definitely create's an audible "Landscape" so the album title works. Check it out if you like Nomak.
Tsunenori - "Landscape"

Now, this disc is DOPE. Came across this over at Acapella Archives, thanks to Zakeus once again. He has a couple other DJ Marlin discs over there too, but this one is definitely the dopest. Lots of ill sounds on here, some dope guitar shit, a few really bangin Reggae style jams that are really original and make the album stand out, tons of dope samples all the way through. I highly recommend this disc, don't pass it up...
DJ Marlin - "Grid Mode"
DJ Marlin - "Grid Mode" << Rapidshare

Now, this is an album that I know absolutely nothing about. Dropped in the C-Box, I decided to check it out, and it is Super Hot, for sure... I guess "Eternal Morning" consists of two asian producers: Tablo & Pe2ny. I'll quote Last.fm regarding the album: "Soundtrack To A Lost Film is the first album of its kind. Each of the songs in the album is conceived around an imaginary film and contains raw, unfamiliar sounds marked by irregular rhythm and jarring noise". Not too sure about "Irregular rhythm and jarring noise" because every track is REALLY dope and unique, some laid-back and some bangin. Definitely similar to Nujabes for sure, so if you like them, get this disc. I recommend highly, it doesn't disappoint.
Eternal Morning - "Soundtrack To A Lost Film"

Came across this over at HHB. Downloaded it because the cover was crazy, and I expected to hear some Necro style shit. It is sort of on the Necro tip, definitely sounds similar, but this disc is actually pretty fuckin bangin! More well rounded and versatile than your average Necro Instrumentals, a pretty good medley of sounds found on here. Check it out...
Jnyce - "Vaults Of Horror"

Here is Volume One in the Beats Of A Dirty Old Man Series from The Nothing. Get this if you liked Volume Two...
The Nothing - "Beats Of A Dirty Old Man Pt.1"
The Nothing - "Beats Of A Dirty Old Man Pt.1" << Rapidshare

Don't know that much about Aeon Grey, but I liked this disc... Maybe you will too. Drop some info in the comments about this dude, because I don't know shit.
Aeon Grey - "Placebo Solitude"

This disc is pretty dope. 2Tall is on the same label as Dday One, so if you liked Heavy Migration or any of the other shit from Dday One, then you will probably like this. Some Laid-Back stuff on here.
2tall - "Softer Diagram"

Thought I'd put this last because it is mainly just a Reggae/Dub style Instrumental album. I Fuckin Love reggae, and with Hip Hop being rooted from Reggae, I'm surprised that Reggae isn't used more in Hip Hop, via Samples & Artists etc... Da Beatminerz have dropped some ridiculously ILL Instrumental Reggae Bangers using classic Reggae Samples, and I'm really surprised it doesn't happen more often. So, get on it producers, let's hear some Reggae Beats people!
DJ Rouhl & Golden Locks - "All In"
DJ Rouhl & Golden Locks - "All In" << Rapidshare
Alright, another Massive post has come to a close... I hope that EVERYBODY will find something that they like within this post, I tried to keep it well-rounded with this one. COMMENT if you feel the urge, I would appreciate it and I like to hear what people have to say. Keep an eye out in the near future, I've got some REALLY DOPE EXCLUSIVE shit coming up in the next few weeks/months for y'all. Definitely exclusive... Alright, have a good weekend people, enjoy the beats, and as a favor to me & the other contributor's: Let's try to keep it more positive around here, and let's try to discuss the beats more, as opposed to just talking shit. I think everybody would enjoy it more around here with a more positive vibe. Thanks, PEACE. - nawledge
peace nawledge.
you maybe its me but the link to the "full collection" is already looping in that zshare deadlink fashion...
and its only saturday nov 15th at 2:16
any chance of a reup u handsome fellow??
-freddy adu
yo that dream sequence shit was crazy. yo if u come by a link to kytamis phone number lemme know.
dam i never seen anybody dance and play the violin at the same time.
-freddy adu
great post, but most of the links are looping :(
Let me know which ones are busted. I'll get some other links poppin'...
this site is too ill.
unfortunately, most of the z-share links don't work for me. every time I click to download it goes back to the original z-share page.
do you know what the deal with that is?
anyways, great selection as usual, from what ive heard.
peace nawledge\
Magic P
Zshare has had issues for a bit now, that looping being one of them. Try again in a few days.
both tired eyes and reanimator are the only links that arent working, nawl. all 3 are zshare.
my personal favorite is mediafire. so if u wanna re up to that...just saying cuz u were asking where to reup.
i been going through the back files and the best links are direct links, mediafire, rapidshare, jamongo(which i know is an artist site), and megaupload.
i prefer mediafire cuz its the fastest with multiple download slots and no wait inbetween downloads.
but do what u feel most comfortable with.
cuz im no on the blog and dont contribute so my opinion dont mean sheeeeit.
-freddy adu
I don't do this enough on posts - Usually just hit @ the C-box, but I gotta say...
::::::::::::THANK YOU::::::::::::::
Uploading stuff and writing posts, etc is a pain in the ass, and nobody's paying for it. I'm tired of seeing these fckn leechers bitching. You can be Lazy, You can be cheap, but if you're both, yr a fckn asshole.
Props guys. Best site out there, period. Full Stop.
updated links for nawl, & ya'll
That Phox EP is (in its own quiet way) hella dope! We had it on loop in the car on way back from a night out and it was straight perfection.
Peace Nawledge,
Wow, dude, you're so good at digging it's unreal. My music always expands cuz of you. Thanks for giving me some new artists to raid. I gotta try to top this post now, imagine my distress.
A very BIG Thank for all your posts, those are great music.
PS : thank you for the re-ups too.
holy F man...seriously. This is like a months worth of beats. How long have you been sitting on this ish?
Know this is a lot to ask, but any way someone could throw up a torrent somewhere of all this?
Thank you as always. Your blog is incredible and always keep me with a fantastic flow of music going through my head.
thank you nawledge for getting BOADOM pt 1 up there. much respect
Hard diggin'...
--> http://allbeatz.blogspot.com/
good shit. i was scrounging around for that 2tall album just last week, to no avail. but here it is! thank you.
--> http://allbeatz.blogspot.com/
that's stealing
would it possible to re upload DJ Marlin - "Grid Mode"
Thanks for these, some of them like Phox and Tsunenori are great for late nights.
I'm gonna have to take the whole fucking day to download because of rapidshit, but I bet it'll be worth it right?
Any way you could re-up The Ugly Truth instrumentals? I'd really appreciate it..
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
Props for all of your hard work....You have enlightened me with a shit ton of dope music. I was hoping you could re-up Beats From A Dirty Old Man Vol.1 & 2.....I bought The Nothing's 2 other albums (Life In Decay & Complex Sanity Of Man) both extremely good! Thank you in advance.
Can someone please reup the Reanimator The Ugly Truth Instrumentals i would really appreciate it.
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