CLICK HERE FOR: illinoize_instrumentals
7 full instrumentals, you can also listen to them at the website below if you wanna get an idea of what they sound like before you download them.
thanks to waverider@solesides message board, this is pretty dope, very smooth and the beats progress from verse to verse with excellent hooks/chorus'
this person also made a remix tape with popular acapellas(gift of gab, aesop rock, outkast, big daddy kane, brother ali and a few others which can be downloaded free at the site. http://www.illinoize.biz/download.html
grade A for some one coming outta no where on my radar, not like i hear everything at all.
as usual some of you will non constructively hate these and to you i say, THANKS for your time, COME AGAIN!
these are striaght ill, the one with gift of gab gave me chills, dudes tight
I second that. Ill.
well...i third that...uhm.
fresh! i fourth that..
The Tall Man...made me throw down like a 32 in 30 seconds....Dope drop, thank you....
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