Basically all I'm sayin is that I'm Really Fuckin Hyped about the where the Blog has gone since we started. I feel we've made a unique place in the "Blogosphere" or whatever, and I think we'll be here for a while to come... Thanks to all of you of course. So, let's keep things goin people! 500 Posts Deep, 500 more to come... PEACE! -- nawledge.
Alright, onto the music... Leaf - Made Into Itself. Posted this Forever ago, it was one of my first posts over here. I was planning on Re-Upping this closer to the release of his new album, "Rooted From Within", for a little extra added hype. But have been gettin some requests for it now, so here ya go people. This is an amazing album, up there with the likes of 40 Winks & BSBD, but it is FAR more dark than anything from 40 Winks, partially Electronic, but really layered and well executed. I could NOT put this disc down when I first got it, there are a few tracks I still listen to Daily/Weekly. Anyway, check it out if you didn't get the chance before, and there are 4 Tracks from his new album in there too. They're not the Best quality as I pulled them from his Myspace, but at least you'll get the idea of how BANGIN his new album will be. It Should drop sometime in the next few months, it's already finished he's just getting the tracks Mastered right now.
Alright, Thanks Again Fam for getting this spot to the place it is, and let's keep things goin! Enjoy The Beats. PEACE...

Leaf - Made Into Itself + Rooted From Within Sampler
** The "Made Into Itself" Album is missing Three Tracks, if any of you have the Following Cuts, it would help me out... They are all basically just Interludes, but I'd like to have the Full Album... Thanks in advance for any help with these: **
- Track #10 "Passing By"
- Track #12 "Glitch Exercise"
- Track #14 "Sevenhundredeightytwo Ways To Wake Up"
yeahhhh let's keep it going!
the leaf stuff is nice, is anyone still doesnt have that. make sure you get it, and support!
I'm sick of you guys posting mediocre material by no-names who you probably know or are actually the same person. 500 posts of meh. Learn to produce songs yourself, or learn to play an instrument, please, all of you contributors and everyone reading this.
Leaf's Made into itself is one of the best instrumental albums I've ever listened to! Keep up the good work guys, KEEP POSTING!
peace from Greece
ps: if anybody knows where I can buy an actual copy of that Leaf album, please send an e-mail to, I've been looking for it for quite a while now but they don't have it available even at the suspicious records store. Thanks in advance
Um... that Anonymous Idiot before me probably downloaded all the content, and couldn't enjoy it cuz he's got no taste in music.
You should stick to your Britney Spheres or High School Musical CD's.....Jackass.
Oh. This Blog rocks.
that leaf album is dope!
and why the hate? if you don't like the music why are you still coming around?
this should be the complete album (1-15), although tracks 11 and 13 are 128kbps. hope this helps, and thanks for all the brilliant music i might not have found otherwise... cheers!
Anonymus (post 1) does make a valid point. I agree that lately there has been a lot of filler posted, particularly from online artists.
What's key to remember is that this resource is FREE and if you're a serious digger, online or in the record shops, you know that it takes time to separate the wheat from the chaff.
40 Winks, Garion and many many others would have gone under my radar if it hadn't been for the time and generosity of others.
Yeah, I know where this guy's coming from because we're all out trying to get daily our fix of tracks (and it's an addiction that never ends), but things would be alot harder without Strictly Beats around.
Congrats on the 500.
I hear ya' on this place being cool. This may be the coolest lil' corner i've ever found.
i hear you nawledge, it's good to take a step back on occasion and acknowledge everyone who has contributed and/or stopped by to put heads on to production (in addition to the contributors, big ups to Zakkius, Mntl, thief, zulu, senisa, estipi, and everyone else dropping material in the c-box).
you've missed the point of the blog -- strictly speaking, it's more of an archive than a critical review. i would agree that there's a lot of filler, but it's easy enough to delete the shit you aren't feeling. some contributers do make the effort to hype (what they believe is) the dope shit, but best to make that decision for yourself, right?
btw, a lot of those attracted to this spot DO produce (contributors and otherwise), so while i appreciate the ethos of "more fucking quality control!", the criticism/advice comes off as more ill-informed than anything else.
a good idea, though, might be to do a monthly (or otherwise periodic) post with the aim of achieving a community consensus on the music heads were feeling (or not). this would help the less initiated (or patient) save time on wading through all the posts to focus on emergent gems.
Hats off to the crew...500...that's major!!! Keep doin' ya thing. Fuck the haterz, it ain't their fault they're stupid!!!
Congrats on the 500th!!! Amazing accomplishment....I am never disappointed when coming to this site and have found (or re-acquired) many gems here. The evolution of this blog has been great and the community support is awesome as well. Great job done as I look forward to what the future holds!
if you don't like stuff, let us know...and if we find something similar then it wont get posted most likely..
taste is subjective, but if you dont like something you should be able to say why.
besides, seeing as you're DOWNLOADING, all you gotta do (if you dont like it) is press delete.
no harm no foul.
I discovered 2years ago this blog while i was in China with none of my CD's or MP3s...
And this then I confirm you did a very good job!
You made us discover many producers
so don"t restrict yourself with other people taste please :-)
Thank you all!
Keep on :-)
this is a great blog and im happy i got to contribute once, in a small way.
looking forward to one thousand
This site is priceless however I do understand what Anonymous means to a certain extent. I have downloaded some real jewels here however I have downloaded some music that did not suit my taste at all. All I ask is that if its not to much trouble or effort leave some insight about your taste. Maybe a comparison to better known producer or beat smith, the flavor of the music etc. I am not going to name the artist who's pieces (a few albums) I downloaded once but his shit was garbage. Again, just a few comparisons or some insight on the flavor would make this already banbgin site much better.. Thanks to all who contribute regardless. Thank you.
i know leaf is crap!!!! i should, you amonymous fucks!!! i make my beats with dirt!!! and if i hear another one these j-dilla rip off's i'm going to puke!! beside if you dont like my tracks don't listen to them! why anonynous? why not your real online name?
btw thanx for the support!!!
and i'll keep digging records and making dirt and garbage for people who like that kind of thing!
much love
LEAF - Made Into Itself
Huge man, one of the first places I go for beats. Much love to all these artists who make the beats and to the contributors who share it with us heads, cause we would be lost without it!
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