SBeats & FSM Need Your Help!

Alright, so between may 28th and june 2nd interviews will be going down for the following artists listed above. What we need from you? Is questions. Whether your a fan, friend, foe, or just avid listener, we need some good questions to ask these guys above. . . The interviews will be placed on here in bulk all together, on the same day, and regularly circulating the main page of
Alongside with the interviews is going to be Freestyles or Freeverse(written 16) which will be posted aswell.
So, if you have any contributions question wise or something you may wanna ask, were accepting everything and your questions could get answered.
Just email with the subject line: Questions for ______ .
The more we get the better, and there are a few names not placed on this list.
If you cant think up any questions and still wanna help/be a part of this
Click the: link and spend a minute to make an account.
im so embarassed i spent like 20 mins looking for the list of artists and it was right on top....
ask Immortal Technique why its taking him so damn long b/ween albums!
ya, I was gonna ask him something about the delay.
DO NOT post the interviews ALL at once.. do it once a month... spread that stuff out... same with the 16 bars each artists give you.... OR do it all at once and end up NOT doing it the way things should be done when promoting traffic to come AND stay at a web site......
lol and ask EMILO ROSJA, "who the hell are you??, where would i have heard you before???"
Ask Roc Marciano what's happenin w/ Petey and the U.N., and also basically what he's been doin lately with his shit
"and ask EMILO ROSJA, "who the hell are you??, where would i have heard you before???"
If you dig the Wax Reform Crew (ILLmind, M-Phazes, D-Minor, Supastition?, Muneshine, and Raks One aka Emilio Rojas), then you've heard his work. If you've heard any of Hassaan Mackey's latest drop, heard of any of Phaze One (M-Phazes and Raks One), or heard any of Muneshine's projects, then you know his work.
m-phazes = is such a dope producer
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