Okay, today I've got another two albums released under the Creative Commons Licensing, so they're free to begin with! This dude goes by the name Allah Universal, and he's DOPE. If you're not sure you want to grab this, I'd go ahead and get it for "Love is Insanity" alone...it's amazing. Hope y'all like it, leave some comments so we know whether people like what we're sharing or not.
Allah Universal - Pro.Me.The.Us (link should be fixed now)
1. Victory
2. Read Between The Lines
3. HHT
4. Mayan Dialogie
5. 300 A Test
6. 300 B Test
8. Who Knew (1.5)

This is the better of the two releases in my opinion:
Allah Universal - The UNIverse1. Love Is Insanity (In Stereo)
2. Second Session
3. Legos
4. $uperman's Bank
5. Moon Music
6. NASA $$$
7. Classic Track 102
8. Manson's Matrix
9. Why We?
10. Revelations Chapter 22, 1-10
Enjoy 'em, have a good safe weekend everyone.
very nice album thanks i personnaly
I just listen to the 2nd album,
the redirection fails on the first album link :-/
Overall album is very good :)
Thanx 4 this and the rest
Merci merci ^^
yup cant get the first link to work either.
good weekend to you too though :)
I just want to say props to this site,this site is like heaven 4 us upcoming rappers who cant make beats or who dont know producers. Keep doing what u doing & we will keep supporting
could u please re-up that Jay-z Blueprint (Instrumental) album, the link is dead
This is Allah Universal, the producer of the albums posted...I'd like to thank the author of this post (Andrew) for posting these links!
I've been coming to this site for the past few months, you can imagine my suprprise to see MY music here! It's quite humbling, actually...Much appreciated!
@ Ceasor-leo, there's plenty more where this came from, if you're interested in more, you can reach me @ universalliving@gmail.com (pardon the shameless promotion)...
Peace, and thanks again to all listeners...
Allah Universal
thanks for stopping by Allah, didnt know you even saw this site...
keep up the good work! :)
can you please fix link for second album
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