There's snippets here if you want to preview before downloading the whole thing...
01. Jungle
02. Galaxy
03. Android
04. Scorpio
05. Waiting
06. Race
07. Blur And Focus
08. Gambler
09. Getto J
10. Crunch
11. Deep Thoughts
12. Relief
13. Nasty Jay
14. What?
15. Guard Chase
16. Contemplation
17. Relax
18. Anticipation
19. Waterfall
20. Gotta Get It
21. Busy
22. Flight Up North
23. Ode To 88
24. Makeway
25. Bird
26. Cadence
27. Git Drums
28. Caterpillar
29. Power Station
30. Spencer Street Station
31. No Name Beat
32. Niteclub
33. Creek
34. Trots
35. Idea
36. Ode To 86
37. B Boy Break
[link removed at artist's request -- djespionage]
thanks alot drew...
first time hearing it...
and this shit is hot...1#
This is good.
damn good beats, shame that some are realy short... J.
another dope aussie release, cheers
not feeling you lettin people download my cd album without my permission ! take it off immediately .. artists rely on sales to keep makin albums . take it off now .. new album is to be released soon and i don't appreciate you popping up the whole album on mp3 so people can download it without buying it ... IDEM ...
google it and i notice a lot of sites have uploaded it .. forget it andrew , leave it up , i don't care , but buy the cd folks if you can , it comes with booklet and you are helping the artists continue to make good music .. thanks for the great comments people and lookout for more of my albums in the future .. new album out in august 2009 ..
IDEM ...
I've been listening the same album and "Galaxy" song, is the best. Absolutely. I think we can share some music, because my blog is similar than yours and we can learn something as a process, you know what I mean. 23jj
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