Constrobuz droped his new tape in the Cbox,Check out his earlier releases via the constrobuz myspace blog url below. "bleep blorp remixes" is still one of the best tapes if ever seen on the net..imho...
myspace blog
No Emcees. Just Instrumentals.
I didn't listen to it yet, but I have to say that Constrobuz is one of the best producers worldwide, period. Plus he's an atypic dude, got a unique style (both in sound & graphix) and is still very humble !
Expect some MC BAZ / Constrobuz in the near future, and agin big big big props to him !
MC Baz
Seriously the best albums I have heard in my life- Hands down- You will see him producing for big names in the next couple of years- Expect a lot from this little shit.
will someone please sign this motherfucker
Average beats. Nothing special here. The 3 posters ahead of me must be his boys.
Anonymous, eat a dick, you must have aids in you ear for fuckin with the wrong sound !
mcbaz/rouh, e and eli can all suck a huge fucking cock. All yall got aides in yall fuckin ear and in yall anuses. pussy azz niggas
Constrobuz blows me a away. If you don't understand how good this dude is, you do not understand hip-hop or beat making, period.
There are alot of beats that he makes that are simply not my style (maybe too choppy, too much sampling, etc.). Regardless, I can still appreciate them.
When one of his beats *does* manage to strike the right chord with me, it is, hands-down, one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.
Off this new album, "Ummmmm Bacteria", "Pink Poodle Pussy", "You Skype with your GF at 3am", "Castration Factory", "My nuts look like raisins", are all bangers.
Key defining term for this dude's music is "originality".
Also - funniest song titles I've ever seen.
i dunno guys, anon's pretty original here with his "internet tough guy" routine.
fucking retard.
"I Can Live" from vol.2 is still one of the illest beats ive ever heard
Mof def the dude I need to hit up when I get Fame. His music inspires my art tremendously. I don't buy into "the best producer alive" mess but he definitely stands out as one of my top fave producers.
Keep it goin, bruh!
Pretty dope, a keeper for me
somebody ,post a new link to it ,because it's not working.
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