Thought I'd get some of Memo's stuff up because people were asking. Plus, that Sharebee sounded interesting so I upped to that, let me know if it works for y'all. This is his first Inst. disc out of 3, so far. I'll have the next 2 up soon. After that, it's up to you if you want PNS or Panik. I recommend PNS, but it's up to everybody. I must apologize in advance for the naming of the tracks in the .zip. I never actually named them their listed Track Names when I first got all these Discs, I only named certain tracks. And the tracks that I did name are just certain thoughts and emotions that I got from listening to the beat. So, hopefully it's not too big of a pain in the ass. Everybody let me know if it's SUPER annoying because from here on out, pretty much every other Molemen post will be like this. I'll go through and name them the actual track names if I have to... I think it's dope to just name them what you want though, it helps you remember the beat and it's kinda fun. Plus, I saw an interview with Panik and he said him and the rest of the crew just try to create certain emotions in all their tracks (like everybody else of course...). So that's how I named the tracks the way that their titled. ANYWAY, I'm not going to post any tracklists for these because their LONG. Usually inbetween 20 - 40 Tracks, so I don't want to fill up the whole page with Tracklists. But, this paragraph alone is probably taken up enough already so this fuckin rant is done with. Refer to Molemen.com or ughh.com for Tracklists. I'll post 'em if you want... MORE ON THE WAY. PEACE FAM.
thanks a lot, love the Molemen :)
and you don't have to name the tracks correctly, we can do it ourselves if we need to.
Hey nice move using Sharebee.com! I like their system and I like to have choices.
And I dont see why not? I have uploaded some files works great.
Thank you.
does any one have any dj pns instrumentals such as "showcase instrumentals" etc
does any one have any dj pns instrumentals such as "showcase instrumentals" etc
This can't work in reality, that is exactly what I suppose.
Is there any hope for the file to be reuploaded?? Thanks
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